50 great inventions Canada gave to the world
/Photo: istockphoto.com
It's Canada Day!
The greatest country in the world is turning 146. And while Canadians are generally considered to be polite, under-the-radar type folks, Canada has given the world some of its greatest inventions. In honour of Canada Day, here are 50 of Canada's greatest gifts to the world:
- Insulin (as a diabetes treatment) - invented by Frederick Banting, Charles Best and James Collip in 1922
- Superman - Created by Canadian-born artist Joe Shuster and American writer Jerry Siegel in 1932
- Basketball - invented by James Naismith in 1891
- Standard time - introduced by Sir Sandford Fleming in 1878
- Canola - created in the early 1970s by Keith Downey and Baldur R. Stefansson
- AM Radio - invented by Reginald Fessenden in 1906
- The snowmobile - invented by Joseph-Armand Bombardier in 1937
- Poutine
- Nanaimo bars
- Smarties
- Crispy Crunch
- Coffee Crisp
- Walkie-Talkies - invented by Donald L. Hings and Alfred J. Gross in 1942
- The prosthetic hand - invented by Helmut Lucas in 1971
- The snowblower - invented by Arthur Sicard in 1925
- The foghorn - invented by Robert Foulis in 1854
- SONAR - invented by Reginald Fessenden
- The goalie mask - invented by Jacques Plante in 1959
- IMAX - co-invented by Roman Kroitor in 1968
- Instant replay - invented for CBC's Hockey Night in Canada in 1955
- Trivial Pursuit - invented by Chris Haney and Scott Abbott in 1979
- Lacrosse - codified by William George Beers around 1860
- Ice hockey - invented in Windsor, Nova Scotia
- The electron microscope - invented by James Hillier and Arthur Prebus in 1939
- Pablum - invented by Frederick Tisdall, Theodore Drake and Allan Brown in 1930
- Easy-Off oven cleaner - invented by Herbert McCool in 1932
- The cardiac pacemaker - invented by John Hopps
- The Wonderbra - invented by Louise Poirier
- The alkaline battery - invented by Lewis Urry in 1954
- The caulking gun - invented by Theodore Witte in 1894
- The Jolly Jumper - invented by Olivia Poole in 1959
- The garbage bag - invented by Harry Wasylyk in 1950
- The paint roller - invented by Norman James Breakey
- The Robertson screw - invented by P.L. Robertson
- The bloody Caesar - invented in Calgary in 1969
- Plexiglass - invented by William Chalmers at McGill University in 1931
- The explosives vapour detector - invented by Lorne Elias in 1985
- Five-pin bowling - invented by Thomas F. Ryan in 1909
- Computerized Braille - invented by Roland Galarneau in 1972
- The 56k modem - invented by Dr. Brent Townshend in 1996
- The pager - invented by Alfred J. Gross in 1949
- The McIntosh red apple - Developed by John McIntosh
- Peanut butter - first patented by Marcellus Gilmore Edson in 1884
- Key frame animation - invented by Nestor Burtnyk and Marcelli Wein in the 1970s
- The Java programming language - invented by James Gosling
- The telephone (invented by Scottish-born inventor Alexander Graham Bell in Brantford, Ontario)
- The BlackBerry - Invented by Mike Lazaridis
- The Canadarm (used on the Space Shuttle)
- Singer Justin Bieber.
- And, of course, celebrity astronaut Commander Chris Hadfield.