Hat tip received - Thanks Metro

Update: June 12: 8:37 pm Just got a tweet saying Metro added a hat tip. I do appreciate the response from the paper. They are back on my Christmas card list. ;) 


On May 25, I wrote a post about the scope of the Rob Ford scandal as seen through the eyes of Google Trends. The post quickly became the most popular since I started my blog in 2008. Like by a lot. This blog, which typically gets a few dozen visitors a day, had over 4,000 page views within two or three days. 

I was also blown away when mainstream news outlets began picking up the story. Most were kind enough to attribute the idea to this blog and include a link to the original story. The outlets that picked up the story and attributed it included Esquire magazine, the National Post, Huffington Post and CTV NewsTwo days after my original blog post ran, Metro Toronto also ran a similar story, including the same references to President Obama, Stephen Harper and Lady Gaga. 

Ideas, clicks and eyeballs are currency in today's media. For a media outlet to take any blogger's story idea and present it as their own is uncool. Thankfully, after reaching out to the paper, they eventually decided to add a link to this blog at the end of their version of the story, which I have to say was much appreciated. So thanks again to them for coming through.

Thanks also to those of you who visit here on a regular basis. Your support is greatly appreciated! And thank you to the other media outlets that took an interest in the story.